Selected senior management & project experiences



Scope of activities

New Swiss network

and datacenter operator

  • Applicable hands-on support during evaluation of equipment and service providers

  • Overall project lead for the development of the contractual framework between the parties

  • Leading management function and applicable hands-on support during implementation
    phase of the network project incl. coordination of all providers and partners

Asian medical consortium

  • Applicable hands-on support to a group of Asian investors and hospitals during the development
    of a go-to-market strategy for stem cells research and manufacturing

One of the largest

Swiss telecom

and network operators

  • Applicable hands-on support during acquisition of several national and international major orders
    in the fields of telecom and network outsourcing

  • Development of SLAs and operations man agementlead during contract negotiations

One of the largest

Swiss ICT providers

  • Leading management function and overall project lead at a consolidation and restructuring
    of several operative divisions during a merger of two affiliates

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